Ciba and CSEM expand and strengthen their already existing collaboration

Partnership in the area of organic opto-electronic to micro-, nano- and thin film technology


Ciba and CSEM (Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique SA) have signed a mid- to long-term cooperation agreement in the field of organic opto-electronic, micro-, nano- and thin film technology. The partnership aims at developing new commercial products and solutions based on emerging printing and micro- technologies. Ciba and CSEM are collaborating in the development of materials, technologies, processes, services and systems in the field.

Within this partnership, the partners are combining Ciba Inc.'s expertise in material design and manufacturing with CSEM's experience in systems and devices, to develop solutions for mass markets in the area of coatings, packaging, sensing, displays and brand authentication. Application examples in these fields are ultra-thin OLEDs for display and lighting, organic transistors, solar cells, sensors and holograms.

As a growing number of developments are emerging in printed intelligence and printed electronic technologies, the partners believe that the market for printed interactive systems will grow significantly in the coming years. 'The combined strengths of the CSEM micro and nano technologies and the customized material systems of Ciba will allow us to jointly develop novel highly complex but cost-effective products for these mass markets', says Thomas Hinderling, CEO of CSEM.

The collaboration has started with a series of successful CTI (Commission for Technology and Innovation of the Swiss Federal Government) and EU FP6 projects. First co-developed materials have already been launched into the market and full systems are aimed for the future.

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