Agilent presents TOF mass spectrometer with new aquisition system to automate the introduction of internal standards


Agilent Technologies Inc. today introduced the Agilent LC/MSD TOF (time-of-flight) mass spectrometer. The Agilent LC/MSD TOF provides reliably superior performance, including 3 ppm mass accuracy, low-femtomole level sensitivity and up to 10,000 resolving power.

This outstanding performance provides chemists with definitive molecular weight and elemental composition information and the extra confidence required for publication or patent application.

The Accuracy of an Internal Standard with Ease of Use

Achieving the highest level of mass accuracy in TOF mass spectrometry requires correction based on comparison to reference mass standards. For most TOF instruments, the introduction of an internal reference mass standard is a very difficult process, and the concentration of the reference mass standard must be within the same range as the sample concentration. The Agilent LC/MSD TOF features an innovative acquisition system that provides three orders of magnitude dynamic range, thereby eliminating the need to match internal reference mass and sample concentrations. The dual-sprayer ion source and calibrant delivery system automate the introduction of an internal reference mass. And real-time reference mass correction means each spectrum recorded is accurate and ready for data processing. The result is that chemists get the accuracy of an internal standard without the extra effort.

Application-Specific, TOF-centric Software

The new LC/MSD TOF instrument control and data acquisition software is a 32-bit Windows(r)-based package that provides easy setup, control, and data acquisition for the LC/MSD TOF. It is built on the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) platform. Users can customize data acquisition and data processing using standard VBA scripting.

Data analysis is provided through the proven AB/MDS-SCIEX Analyst QS software, with powerful application-specific additions from Agilent, including an empirical formula confirmation program that automatically confirms the presence of expected compounds.

The Agilent LC/MSD TOF mass spectrometer is expected to be available for order in August 2003, with prices starting at approximately $220,000 for the mass spectrometer, data system and operating software.

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