DataPhysics Instruments announces Representative Office in the United States

03-Jul-2015 - USA

DataPhysics Instruments GmbH has opened an office in Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA.

DataPhysics Instruments GmbH

Daniel Scholz, responsible sales manager from DataPhysics Instruments.

“Our aim is to enhance the presence within the North-American region. Supporting the expert center in Germany, this new office will further augment DataPhysics pre- and after-sales service support. Consequently, new and existing customers will benefit from local, partnership driven support”, says Daniel Scholz, responsible sales manager from DataPhysics Instruments.  “We are here to support our customers evolving needs and demands and for that, we will have our complete device portfolio of Optical Contact Angle Devices, Tensiometer, Spinning Drop Tensiometer and Humidity Generators here in the USA.”

Located close to Charlotte, NC airport, it is easily reachable and enables DataPhysics to serve customers throughout the region with demonstrations and training. Test measurements are also possible so that important parameters like surface and interfacial tension, wetting, static or dynamic contact angles on solids and surface free energy can be determined and demonstrated.

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