203 Lab Equipment Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected lab equipment companies by company type or country.

203 Lab Equipment Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected lab equipment companies by company type or country.


Companies by products


These products might interest you

speedwave XTRACT New

speedwave XTRACT by Berghof

Microwave sample preparation: Fast and safe

speedwave XTRACT: High efficiency and low operating costs for environmental and food analyses

sample preparation systems
PromoChrom - Presto New

PromoChrom - Presto by PromoChrom Technologies

New SPE system with 8 channels: Ultimate efficiency in solid phase extraction

Ultra-fast - process 1,000 mL samples in just 10 to 20 minutes

extraction systems
MX-scales, MR-scales, MA-scales, LA-scales New

MX-scales, MR-scales, MA-scales, LA-scales by Mettler-Toledo

New generation of laboratory balances for a wide range of applications

Excellent performance, durable instruments and simple operation

laboratory balances
Battery Cell Station

Battery Cell Station by Vigor Gas Purification Technologies

An inert enclosure specifically for Battery Applications

A glovebox enclosure that is designed purely for battery research, enhancing user experience

SG series

SG series by Vigor Gas Purification Technologies

Vigor SG line of glovebox systems <1ppm O2 and H2O, unrivalled leakage rate of 0.001Vol%/h

Vigor Glovebox systems are designed around your process

Neuer Rotationsverdampfer Rotavapor® R-80-System & Pure Essential Flash Chromatographie-System

Neuer Rotationsverdampfer Rotavapor® R-80-System & Pure Essential Flash Chromatographie-System by Büchi

The Perfect Duo for separations in the smallest spaces

Entry-level combination of rotary evaporator and flash chromatography system at a low cost

rotary evaporators
FRYKA - circulating coolers ULK

FRYKA - circulating coolers ULK by FRYKA Kältetechnik

Recirculating chillers from FRYKA - whisper-quiet, efficient and sustainable

Cool with a clear conscience

recirculating chillers
AS-210 Greenhouse Gas Autosampler

AS-210 Greenhouse Gas Autosampler by SRI Instruments

Awesome - Gas Autosampler for up to 360 Samples

High sample throughput and contamination-free results for reliable measurements


HYDROTHERM by C. Gerhardt

Efficiency in food analysis: Safe and precise total fat determination made easy

Fully automatic acid hydrolysis in 90 minutes - validated for continuous operation

acid hydrolysis systems
Milli-Q IQ® 7003/05/10/15

Milli-Q IQ® 7003/05/10/15 by Merck Life Science

Integrated Ultrapure & Pure Water Systems Designed to simplify your daily lab life

Ultrapure and pure water of the highest quality directly from tap water

water treatment systems
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