6 Microwave Technology Manufacturers From Germany

6 Microwave Technology Manufacturers From Germany

These products might interest you

ITC-Technologie für Mikrowellensysteme

ITC-Technologie für Mikrowellensysteme by MLS

Full control of microwave digestions from 30 to 310 °C makes overheated samples a thing of the past

This rotor monitors the temperature of each vessel – directly and contactless, using IR

microwave digestion systems
Mars 6

Mars 6 by CEM

Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System

High Sample Throughput with Just One Click

microwave digestion systems
Phoenix Black

Phoenix Black by CEM

Highly efficient ashing with Phoenix Black muffle furnace

Automated exhaust air systems and fast process times for versatile samples

muffle furnaces

turboWAVE® by MLS

Laboratory innovation: TurboWAVE-20 for fast and silent sample digestion

Benefit from lower operating costs thanks to innovative modular technology

microwave digestion systems
Discover 2.0

Discover 2.0 by CEM

Fastest microwave synthesis with lots of power for shortest reaction time

Discover 2.0 enables syntheses from a few mg to many grams in the same unit

microwave synthesizers
Multiwave 5000

Multiwave 5000 by Anton Paar

The user-friendliest microwave for digestion: Next-level convenience and ease of use

Don't waste your time for sample preparation with assembling the digestion vessels

microwave digestion systems
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