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Systematic (IUPAC) name
CAS number 552-25-0
ATC code  ?
PubChem 62370
Chemical data
Formula C21H28N2O 
Mol. mass 324.46 g/mol
Synonyms Diampromide
Pharmacokinetic data
Bioavailability  ?
Metabolism  ?
Half life  ?
Excretion  ?
Therapeutic considerations
Pregnancy cat.


Legal status
Routes  ?

Diampromide is an opioid analgesic from the ampromide family of drugs, related to other drugs such as propiram. It was invented in the 1960s, and can be described as a ring-opened analogue of fentanyl.[1]

Diampromide produces similar effects to other opioids, including analgesia, sedation, dizziness and nausea, and is around the same potency as morphine.[1]


  1. ^ Ivanovic MD, Micovic IV, Vuckovic S, Prostran M, Todorovic Z, Ivanovic ER, Kiricojevic VD, Djordjevic JB, Dosen-Micovic LJ. The synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 2,3-seco-fentanyl analogues. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society. 2004; 69(11): 955-968.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Diampromide". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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